Search and Rescue (SAR)

Applications list sar bu hne 1140x350

To support rescue missions, a modern DF system has to work on all relevant emergency frequencies (121.5 MHz, channel 16, 243 MHz, 406 MHz) as well as on the VHF sea band. The 19 Cospas/Sarsat channels (406 MHz) become more and more important in the future.

Unsere passenden Produkte

Multi-Band Direction Finder System for Airborne SAR
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Law Enforcement

Applications list law e bu hne 1140x350

Beside the SAR tasks the RT-600 (SAR-DF517) is also designed to support the locating of stolen vehicles or the tracking of special targets from the air.

Unsere passenden Produkte

Multi-Band Direction Finder System for Airborne SAR
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CAP Civil Air Patrol

Thumb cap referenz bild

Swedish Polis

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